As I have said before I am new to stamping but I know that the acrylic stamps or as I call them "Clear Stamps" are fairly new to the stamping community. The stores are flooded with these more over the traditional rubber stamps. I like these because for a fairly cheap price you can get several different stamps off of one sheet.
I have to admit when I bought my first pack of clear stamps I was a little puzzled at how to stamp with all the stamps on one, however after one test run it didn't take me long to figure out that you are supposed to cut them to separate them. HA HA.
So now I have a baggie full of clear stamps. I do have a few traditional rubber stamps and after trying both I prefer the traditional wood block rubber stamp. I know they have those press blocks for the clear stamps, however I like to see things visually and somehow I feel more organized being able to lay out my stamps to see them.
So as I'm looking at a bag of my sons old wood blocks that he doesn't play with anymore it dawned on me to make my own Wood Stamps.
The first thing you want to do is take your clear stamp and fit it to the size block . this is very important so that your stamp is not larger then your wood block. However it can be the other way around. Your wood block most likely will be larger than your stamp.
Second you take your wood block and trace an outline of the block onto Card stock with a thin pen.
Next you will want to glue your card stock on to your wood block.
Then take the stamp that you are going to glue on to the wood block and stamp the piece of Card stock.
This way you will know what block is what.
Then wipe off the ink off your stamp to try and keep your hands and area clean.
Then take your glue and cover the flat side of your stamp and adhere it to the wood block.
Set a side to dry.
That's it!! You can color them in to make them stick out a little more. But really its very easy to make these wooden homemade stamps.

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