

Monday, December 18, 2017

Butterfly Charm Block Week 8

The holiday season is getting closer and this house is a mad house for sure!!! There is still so much to before next weekend is here and I am really hoping my boys can get it together this week and play nice so I can get it all done. 

In the mean time I have a beautiful butterfly to share with you this week!!! We decided to wait to do our red and green butterflies until the last couple weeks because we knew it would fall around the Christmas season.

I am truly excited to be getting to the end of this project to see it all put together.  I can't wait to share it when it's done!!!
For those of you that are just tuning in My best Friend Crystal from Crystalized Designs and I have been doing a butterfly charm block sew along. We are using the Butterfly Charm Block  Paper Piece Pattern by Lillyella stitchery.

If you have never done paper piecing before I honestly suggest just trying it out. We have had so much fun with this and it really is so easy!! I had never done paper piecing before we did this project but I checked out a 
 tutorial by Connecting Threads.  After I watched this a few times it has been super easy ever since!!!!

For the most part during this project I have been using my scrap colors that I have had stashed away for a rainy day. These paper piecing projects are perfect for those scrap stacks. 

If you’re joining in on the sewing fun, I’d love to see! Feel free to post pictures on or tag me on any social media site!
Have a wonderful day!!!!

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