

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Here's to 2015

Coming Up for 2015.....

Wow!!! 2014 came and went but what an amazing year it was over here!!!! I am truly looking forward to a new year though.

For starters I have dipped my hands in a few different venues. One, I am a Mad Mad Maker which many of you know but as of summer of 2014 I was brought on as an admin. I think my official title is Mad Minstrel. haha. I am also involved with a new project called Blog Stalkers. You will see more about that in the upcoming months!

Upcoming Products for 2015

  • I am planning on a few different crochet patterns to be released this year. 
  • I will be bringing my clay buttons back to my Etsy Shop this Spring.
  • **NEW** Coming this Spring I will be releasing embroidery designs.

Also coming in 2015 I will be having a weekly link up and a monthly link up. Detail on those are coming up soon.

I am looking forward to another awesome year and I hope you hang around for the ride!!

Happy Crafting


  1. Sounds like you have very exciting things in the works. I loo forward to seeing all of your crafty ideas & works.


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