

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Stash it Sunday ~ Week 10

Welcome to Stash it Sunday!!!

It is March and that means a few things, March Madness, St. Patrick's Day, Easter even falls in March this year. Oh and it will be my Birthday at the end of the month. So for the next couple weeks we are going to see some FUN Collections. First on the list let's stop by our Favorite Fabric Shop.


Geekly Chic by Riley Blake Designs is a CRAZY, NEAT, RETRO and just AMAZING Collection. It brings any 80's kid right back to their childhood.  Between the print on the fabric to the colors it's just RAD. I would love this collection to make an TOTALLY RADICAL Lap quilt for taking to the beach and other AWESOME functions. 

Geekly Chic Fat Quarter Bundle Riley Blake Designs - Fat Quarter Shop

 If you haven't had the pleasure of seeing all the amazing collections that Fat Quarter Shop has to offer than you really must take a peak. The site is neatly organized so you can find exactly the style of fabric you are looking for.

 The Fat quarter shop can be found on Facebook and you can also follow them on their blog page - The Jolly Jabber -

I always love to hear from my readers so why don't you let me know what you would do with this collection if it was in your stash.....
Happy Stashing,



  1. Hi! I have nominated you for the Liebster Award. Pop over to my blog to pick up your questions and button

    Please note, this is an honorary award and you do not have to participate. In fact, I have seen some blogs sporting a different badge indicating that they have received the award but not participated in the question/answer/nomination part of the process. I have put that badge on my blog post as well. Happy Blogging, Teri Heathcote :)


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