

Monday, June 25, 2012

Pink Pennant Banner

So I have to admit I almost jumped at the chance to make one of these. My best friend and co-writer for the KiKi Love Creations blog told me that she had a photo shoot coming up with a newborn baby girl and that she wish she had a some sort of banner for her shoot.

Since she has a lot going on these next few weeks and crocheting a banner would take a while I offered to take a shot at it. I knew that I had a few pink girly type fabrics laying around and wanted to try something new on the sewing machine.

So the first thing I did was decide about how big I wanted the pennant pieces. The next thing I did was and its something that I like to do for multiple crafts is I cut out my triangle out of card stock and using it as a template. This way I can put it in my binder and can pull it out later for another project. My pennant measured at 8.5 in at it's widest point. and 11in high at it's longest point. 
Then I traced the card stock triangle onto the back of my fabric and then cut out the pieces. 

After all my pieces were cut I started pinning them together with the outer sides of the fabric facing inward,  making sure that they all lined up nicely together.

After I would get a set pinned I would  sew it together starting in the top right corner and worked my way down stopped at the corner turned worked my way back up stopped at the corner, then worked my way across. Once I got to about the center I skipped about an 1-1.5 inches and started again until I reached the point I started at. Once I finished this part I would flip them so they were no longer inside out.

 After I finished all the pieces and flipped them the right way I ironed the fabric to press the pieces flat.

Then I took my pennant pieces with a gold thread and 1/4 in from the edge sewed a strait line around the whole thing. I did this to make sure all the edges were secure.  I darkened the photo to the right so you can see the gold trim as it is a little hard to see with the flash on. 

To top this whole thing off and connect it all together. I took a shiny pink fabric cut it 3 in wide all the way across measuring 6 ft long. I pinned the edges together and sewing it about 1/2 in from the edge. When this was finished I took it and flipped it so that was no longer inside out. Since this is as far as I have gotten I will share with you what my next attempt at this piece is. Then after the photo shoot is finished I will share with you the finished piece as it will then be going up for sale in my ETSY Shop.

My final step will be to take the now 1 inch wide pink strip and wrap it so that it is even on both sides of the top and then sew it in place about 1/8 from the bottom lip. Then space each piece about 3/4 -1 in apart. I hope that this final step works out for me since it will be the final step in what turned out to be a fairly easy project.

Keep an eye out for the viewing of the final project.

Since I am new to sewing I am sure that I go out of my way for certain steps and I am sure with time I will learn the great secrets of the trade. If you ever see anything obvious that I could be doing something easier or  that will help my in my skills please feel free to give your advice. I think you can always learn something new. Plus I just like to hear from my readers. Hope you all have a great week!

Just a few reminders. Starting the first week in July we are going to be starting our very first Crochet-A-Long.  Click on the button below to get more details. Final details will be coming hopefully by the end of this week or sometime throughout the weekend.

Also we kicked off our Saturday Summertime Highlights.... This means every Saturday I will be featuring one of you. Yup if you have something that is new or one of your favorite summertime creations and would like to see it featured on here.
Just email me     Subject   Summertime Highlights

If you missed this last Saturday's Highlight of the summer click on the button above. 

Happy Sewing


  1. A cool idea to try might be to use felt and have some letters or girl/boy themed pieces (especially for a photographer) that can come off and be used in another way. You could spell the name, or 'love' or numbers for birthdate ... or velcro if *fabric* is ultimately preserved.

  2. That is so funny that you said that Amy Jo because I had cut out letting out of fabric to spell Baby Girl. I tried to sew it on with a sample piece and my skill is just not strong enough yet to sew the letters on. I never thought of using velcro I might have to try that out. Thanks!!!!

  3. Looking forward to seeing the finished piece, great tutorial :)

  4. Looks great! Can't wait to see it hung!

  5. Looks great! Can't wait to see it hung!

  6. Thank you. I can't wait to see it photographed. She is picking it up on Thursday!


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